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This reuse idea is for quilters! If you know how to sew or use a sewing machine, it’s a simple process. KODIAKOTTON® is the perfect batting for a hot pad! It works as a quilt and thermal batting in one piece. Follow the steps below and let us know how you did!

If you reuse our liners in any way, post it to Facebook and tag @KODIAKOOLER1 !


  • any KODIAKOTTON® liner – we used a smaller piece from one of our mailers. You can even use a buffer pad here.
  • 2 9×9″ cotton fabric of your choice
  • bias binding
  • thread


  1. Cut KODIAKOTTON® into a 9×9 inch square to match your fabric pieces. Most of our liners are 1-1.5″ thick so you may want to pull a layer or two off to make it 1/2″ thick or less. If you’re using one of our buffer pads, you can leave as is.
  2. Sandwich the liner in between the pieces of fabric and line them up.
  3. Quilt through all 3 layers in any pattern you like. We quilted horizontal lines spaced about 1 1/4″ apart.
  4. Add bias binding to all edges and clip them in place before sewing.
  5. When you get to the first corner, adjust the binding so it folds over in one direction and clip down before sewing.
  6. When you come to last corner, leave about 4″ extra binding for the loop. Tuck the edge into the corner of the hot pad and sew in place.

That’s it! Now you have a potholder made of KODIAKOTTON®!

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